Testimonials :

I have recently recovered from a life threatening illness. However, following that, I began to have severe anxiety and would always fear falling ill again. Dr. Chaudhuri reduced my fear by psychoeducating me on illness. She also gave me medication, after which I am much better. Really thankful to ma’am for helping me live my life with pleasure again. Really grateful !!

Rhea Kothari
My daughter had become totally numb and would just sit still staring at window. We really got scared and went to Doc for help. She was a great help. Not only, she gave effective medication but also was really friendly and patient with my daughter. With her love and concern, we got our daughters zeal back. We really are indebted to her for helping us during our testing times in

Rama Singh
I have a seven years old son. Last year, we suddenly observed a change in his behaviour. He would be extremely irritable and had lost interest in studies. He was totally reluctant to go to school and would cry even if we asked him to go to school. We really felt helpless and approached doctor Chaudhuri. She was really considerate and was very friendly during sessions. With her medication, his fear gradually reduced and began going to school and could concentrate. Ma’am not only gave medicine, but also took the pain of explaining us the causes with right parenting techniques. Thank you for the help.

Tarun Lal
I was really feeling suicidal and did not know what to do. I then went to Dr. Chaudhuri who explained me the purpose of my living and gradually helped me to overcome the crises. She really would take all efforts to ensure that I felt supported and gave me immense strength. Thank you ma’am

Reema Suri
My husband was addicted to tobacco. He began to have ulcers in the mouth and yet could not quit. Then we went to Prathama Chaudhuri who helped us with medicine and counselling. Now my husband is totally out of the habit and is having no health issues. She was a life saviour for us. Thank you.

Sumita Kharun
My child is having significant stammering and would feel anxious in public. I could see that he was losing his self confidence. So I decided to take him to Ma’am. She explained us the underlying anxiety within him and treated it. Now my child stammers much less and can confidently talk in public. Thank you for the help !!

Tina Murthy